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Popovic sensei Haisai from still Warm Okinawa

Popovic sensei
Haisai from still Warm Okinawa
I hope you and your family are all well.
Thank you very much for sending us the Certificate of Appreciation. We will display it at out Headquarters.
We all agree that for 50 years since you became a student of Mario Topolsec in 1973, you have dedicated yourself to Uechi-ryu karate, training your sprit and technique, and striving for its development and spread it as a leader of Uechi-ryu karate in Serbia. It seems that some other association dojos are changing the SOKE’s Kata , but from watching your Dojo’s training on Youtube, your Dojo, more than any other Dojos, is preserving the traditional Budo Karate of Futenma Soke Shubukan.
Please keep up the good work and be a good example to other Okikukai overseas dojos.
Happy 50th Anniversary !
Okinawa Karate Do Kyokai

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